The homeschool community for personal refreshment without obligation

TEACHING INSPIRED is the only type of membership that uses monthly teaching themed workshops AND challenges coupled with weekly 30 minute Q&A sessions to provide a done-for-you experience in your homeschool.

Become a Member of TEACHING INSPIRED

If you want your child to start thinking outside of the box, why are you comparing them to others inside of the box?

Is it because you’re still limited by what you think homeschool is “supposed to” look like?

It’s time to surround yourself in an environment that will lift you to think about your homeschool teaching from a fresh, new perspective so you can breakthrough your homeschool barriers.


Monthly Payment Of


  • Monthly Homeschool Teaching Themes

  • Monthly Themed Challenge to transform your teaching

  • Weekly Live Coaching Calls to support your understanding

  • Workbooks with examples, activities, and reflections to help you apply in your homeschool

  • Limited Time Bonus: 1-on-1, 15 min Onboarding Call with Natalie

  • Limited Time Starting Members Pricing

Every 3 Months


  • Monthly Homeschool Teaching Themes

  • Monthly Themed Challenge to transform your teaching

  • Weekly Live Coaching Calls to support your understanding

  • Workbooks with examples, activities, and reflections to help you apply in your homeschool

  • Limited Time Bonus: 1-on-1, 15 min Onboarding Call with Natalie

  • Limited Time Starting Members Pricing

  • Limited Time Bonus: 1-on-1, 45 min Coaching Call with Natalie*

    *3-Month Package only, limited to 1 free call



    How to combine multiple ages, subjects, and interests so you can juggle less in your homeschool.

    Learning together saves time for you, while allowing your children to create connection with the ideas AND build community with each other.


    Access how your child tend to think and learn most naturally.

    When you provide opportunities for your child to learn and showcase their learning from various styles, they can understand how they think and learn.


    Clarify learning goals so your child can reach their creative potential.

    You can help your child get to higher levels of thinking than they can on their own by using strategic questions.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each month, a new homeschool teaching theme is released.
    This will include:

    >> A video training about the homeschool teaching concept to support your understanding.
    >> A tiered challenge for you to learn how to implement the concept in your homeschool at a comfortable commitment level.
    >> Workbook that helps you apply the concept in your homeschool.

    There are also weekly 30 minute coaching calls where you can ask questions about the themes or anything else that is coming up in your personal homeschool.

    This way, you are guided through the process of a done-for-you experience.

    There are also circles (small groups) you can follow where you can have more specific discussion around matters that are important to you so you can be inspired in how you show up for your child with your homeschool teaching approach.

    Circles such as:
    >> Early Readers
    >> Highschoolers
    >> Special Learning Needs
    and more!

  • This is the space for you if you are interested in your homeschool teaching approach and how you show up for your child.

    I am happy to meet you where you are at on that journey. I will support the new homeschooling mom just getting started, and also offer advanced guidance and support for families with teenagers.

    The challenges are tiered so you can choose what makes sense for where you're at right now and the coaching calls are personalized for those that join us live or submit a question.

  • The weekly coaching calls will be on Mondays at 2pm PST (5pm EST). They will last 30 minutes and you are welcome to join us while also stirring dinner, folding laundry, or walking on the treadmill!

    For those that cannot join live, yes, I will post the replay. You are also welcome to pre-submit questions you would like me to unpack on the call.

  • Teaching Inspired is backed by a 14-day full money back guarantee. Buy it with confidence and try it risk-free. If it's not for you, email me at natalie@homeschoolteachingsimplified.com for a no-hassle refund.

  • This membership is not for the homeschooling mom that wants to be told what curriculum to buy. Instead of WHAT to teach, my focus is on showing you HOW to teach. Really, you can adapt any curriculum for your unique family.

    This membership is also not for the homeschooling mom that is not ready to explore aspects of personal growth.
    The thing is, how you view learning comes across in your teaching. There may be unhelpful belief systems around what learning means for you, but thankfully I will guide and support you through the process of re-evaluating those.

  • With recent changes in curriculum, there are so many reasons for why people are choosing to homeschool.
    Because of this, I have chosen to keep the main content focus to be practical learning strategies that anyone can see benefit from, regardless of their spiritual approach.

    When it comes to long term sustainable approaches to how you view teaching & learning, this includes the holistic aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness. I come from a background based on biblical truth so you will hear me speak from this perspective of understanding and experience.
    That being said, I am happy to meet you wherever you are at on your personal spiritual journey and will provide teaching support for you with how you want to homeschool your child.


Natalie Burns

B.Ed, B.Sc, Certified Teacher
Homeschool Support Teacher

I’ve seen the lack of support for homeschooling moms to learn how to approach homeschooling in a way that reflects their personal purpose and family values, and in a way that doesn’t sacrifice the relationship they have with their child.

Many moms feel like they’re just surviving and need a done-for-you experience when it comes to how they teach.

I want you to feel assured that you can provide the top-notch education that your child deserves.

That’s why I’ve taken leading learning strategies and adapted them to work in the homeschool setting so that you can apply these each month to see more engagement, growth, and connection in your child’s learning.

TEACHING INSPIRED is a community where you can learn and apply bite-sized approaches so that whatever you are teaching becomes relevant and creates meaningful connection.


It’s no longer about WHAT you teach your child.

Its about HOW you show up for them with your homeschool teaching so your child can learn how they personally think and learn.

Note: Starting Membership pricing will not last long. Now is the BEST time to secure a great price and get the most personalized, 1-on-1 support from Natalie.

Join us to get inspired so you can feel confident with your homeschool teaching.